

The Invoicing option is used to invoice a call associated with a service contract.


The Additional Fields values can be from Preparation as long as the name of the variable used for the additional field in Invoicing is the same as in the Preparation option.






Only the non-self-explanatory icons or those with special features are defined in the table below.




Used to

Generate a new invoice number

Generate a new invoice number for the selected call.


Transfer the selected invoice.



Access Document Management.

Print (CTRL+P)

Print the invoice.

With the icon’s dropdown menu, it is possible to print, based on user permissions, the Cost and Selling Report.

Display Only Non-Transferred Entries

Display the non-transferred entries.

Display Only Transferred Entries

Display the transferred transactions.

Display Customer Master Screen

Access the Maintenance of client file screen.

Open Contract Management

Access the Contract Management screen.

Service Call Inquiry

Access the Service Call Inquiry screen.

Regenerate invoice description

Deletes the Breakdown grid and the invoice description so they can be regenerated. The preceding text is replaced by Flat Rate Amount. All of the information displayed before is replaced and the revenue is allocated entirely to the Monthly Fees revenue group in Configuration for the Service Management module.

Batch Acceptance

Allows the change of the value in the Accepted field (Yes/No) for several transactions.

Quotation Inquiry

Provides access to the service quotation from which the call was created in order to bill the customer per the initial agreement.

NOTE: The icon only appears if the Service Quotation option is installed and can be clicked when a quotation is linked to the call.




maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Invoicing > Invoicing


Create an Invoice

  1. Enter the required information in the Detail tab:



Call Number

Call number to be invoiced.

Contract No

Contract number associated with the call.

Customer Code

By default, displays the code of the customer associated with the call contract.

NOTES: This code can be changed if the customer paying the invoice differs from the customer on the original contract. Costs are nevertheless allocated to the contract representing the work site.

If the customer is an “inter-co” type customer, this information will be displayed near the field.


Posting date of the invoice.

Due Date

Due date of the invoice.

NOTE: If nothing is entered, maestro* calculates a due date based on the customer’s credit terms. If there are no credit terms in Customer Management, the due date is the date of the invoice. This date can be changed manually.

Contact No

Code identifying the contact related to the call. Comes from the Contact Management option.


Invoice number.

NOTES: If the field is empty, maestro* automatically assigns an invoice number on transferring the invoice based on the sales department’s invoice numbering sequence.

When you transfer an invoice whose Accepted field is No, you can generate the invoice number and print it without actually transferring the transaction to the general ledger.

If an invoice number is entered manually and the invoice is transferred, the Reprint Invoices option must be used rather than the Print Invoices option.

Purchase Order

Customer’s purchase order number for the call.


Amount of the sale, including taxes, according to the data entered in the Breakdown grid.


Discount applicable to the call.

Credit Terms

Payment terms for the invoice from Credit Terms Management.


Salesperson associated with the customer.

AR Account

Accounts receivable general ledger account.

NOTE: If an A/R general ledger account has been specified in Contract Management, it is displayed automatically. Otherwise, maestro* uses the one specified in Configuration.

Disc Acct.

General ledger account to which discounts are posted.


Revenue group affected by the transaction.


Currency for the sale.

Invoice Type

Type of invoicing used for this contract.

Available values:

Standard Invoice

Invoices each call separately.

Combine Posted Invoices

Groups multiple invoices for the same contract with various accounts receivable and prints a summary for all of the invoices, grouping the various invoices onto a single invoice.

Consolidate Invoices before Posting

Used to prepare multiple invoices and the sale is posted during combined invoicing. Consequently, there is only one account receivable rather than several.


Indicates that the invoice can be transferred if the field is set to Yes.

Instant Payment

Available values:


Instant Payment


Payment on transmission of the invoice.

NOTE: If the Generate the receipt automatically box is checked in the configurations (Projects > Intercompany > Sales), the field will be set to Yes.

Cheque No.

Cheque number according to the number on the customer’s payment.

Bank Acct

Bank account used for the receipt if the Instant Payment field is set to Yes.

Call Status

User can specify and/or change the status of the call.


The section in the center displays the information entered in the Invoicing Detail tab of the Preparation option. You can also change them at the invoicing stage. This information is stored in the transaction. The information is available in the invoice form and in inquiry. It can also be viewed in the Memo tab which can be accessed by double-clicking on the invoice number in Customer Inquiry.

The displayed information may also be from another source, based on information in the Configuration of the Preparation option.

  1. Breakdown section:




Code of the activity or item to be invoiced.


Text to be printed on the invoice.

NOTE: To change the date format entered in the description, simply enter the format to be used in the Date Format field in General Settings.


Revenue group affected by the transaction.

NOTE: The revenue group for the material is determined based on the type of item entered in Define Materials.


Used to specify the income account affected by the transaction.

NOTE: For the method to determine the revenue account, refer to the appendix.


Quantity to be invoiced.

NOTE: This information is from the Preparation option. If a correction is necessary, it must be made in this option (Preparation).

Unit Price

Unit price to be invoiced.

NOTE: This information is from the Preparation option. If a correction is necessary, it must be made in this option (Preparation).


Discount percentage applicable to the invoiced item.


Amount to be invoiced for the item.

Tax 1

Tax code applicable.

NOTE: This code may have been determined by default in Customer Management.

Tax 2

Tax code applicable.

NOTE: This code may have been determined by default in Customer Management.

Reason for N/C

Non-billing reason.

NOTE: This field must be completed if it contains items with the 8-Liability status that must be printed on the invoice.

Revenue Type

Type of revenue to be invoiced.

The revenue type is used to determine the default revenue group that is specified in the transaction. If the revenue type is changed, maestro* automatically displays the corresponding default revenue group.

The default revenue groups are defined in Configuration of the Service Management module.

  • For labour, the default revenue type is Labour.
  • For equipment, the default revenue type is Equipment.
  • For material, the revenue type is defined based on the type of item specified in Define Materials.

Customer Reference Code

Reference code of the customer.


Taxes can be calculated on the invoice’s total amount or for each detailed line. For more information, please refer to the Configuration online help (F1) available through the following menu path: maestro* > Service Management > Maintenance > Configuration > Configuration. The appropriate mode can be selected by checking the Do not automatically balance taxes parameter (in the Billing Information option).

  1. Addresses tab:

The invoicing address and work site can be viewed and changed in this tab, if necessary. These addresses will be used when the invoice is printed

  1. Click Save.


See also




By default, the revenue account can be defined in several places:

  • Define Cost Groups
  • Define Activities
  • Activity defined in Contract Management of the Service Management module.
  • Configuration - Service Calls

By default, during invoicing, maestro* displays the revenue group according to the revenue type.

In the example above, the revenue groups displayed during invoicing are those defined in Configuration.


Important; the revenue account is defined according to the following reading priority, until maestro* finds a revenue account:

  • Maestro* uses the general ledger account defined in the revenue group.
  • If there is no revenue account in the group:
  • For labour, maestro* uses the revenue account defined in Define Activities of the service management module, depending on the activity specified in the Return from a Service Call or Distribute Hours transaction.
  • Maestro* does not find a revenue account in the activity, it uses the revenue account defined in Project Management for the project and activity specified in Contract Management.
  • For the other types (subcontractor, material, equipment, etc.), maestro* uses the revenue account defined in Project Management for the project and activity specified in Contract Management.
  • After that, if no revenue account is found, maestro* uses the revenue account defined in Configuration (Invoicing Information section) depending on the type of revenue.

NOTE: The Items to invoice follow the rules of material according to the type of revenue defined in invoicing and the type of item defined in Catalogue Management.

In the invoicing example presented above, the General Ledger Account applied to line 4 (equipment revenue) is the account defined in Define Cost Group (GL3990), not the one defined in the activity used in the Return from a Service Call or in the activity in the Contract Management or Configuration because maestro* found a revenue account at the beginning.


Last modification: February 27, 2025